The Benefits of Herbs

by | Mar 26, 2014 | diet and lifestyle blog, news

In nature, plants have been held in high regard since the evolution of life as animals became instinctively aware of their medicinal benefits. Animals soon discovered that ingesting specific plants had positive effects and improved their health.

Hence, the study of plants for medicinal and health purposes has taken place for centuries. Records show that the most impressive documentations can be seen in the primeval Eastern scriptures – more than 5000 years ago! These ancient cultures have provided us with amazing insight into how animals initially aided humans to find out which plants offered which benefits.

Much later but using a similar approach, a type of cancer therapy referred to as the “Hoxsey Programme” stemmed from observations of animals eating certain herbs when suffering from certain ailments. In fact, this has become such a fascinating area of scientific study a new field has emerged known as Zoopharmacognosy, which looks at how animals choose specific plants to not only heal themselves when they are unwell but also to prevent disease. Humans have of course learnt from these observations and today, within the western world, we are only beginning to understand the extent to which plants can be beneficial for body and mind.


In today’s busy and stressful world, a holistic approach to health and wellness is becoming increasingly more important. Enter the power of herbs.

Each of our products comprises a variety of herbs according to their function and benefit. Whether you are looking to slim down, de-stress, improve performance or simply be a healthier you, our products are scientifically designed to help get you there, the natural way.

Common known herbs and combinations of herbs have various benefits and may assist our bodies in categories like weight-loss, general health and beauty, as well as stress. A few examples:


  • – Boosts metabolism
  • – Reduces appetite
  • – Acts as a diuretic
  • – Increases energy
  • – A mood enhancer
  • – Cleanses and detoxes
  • – Fat metaboliser
  • – Digestive aid
  • – Gentle laxative
  • – Regulates cortisol levels
  • – Enhances nutrient use


Going back as far as 3500 B.C. the Egyptians not only studied herbs but used them extensively in medicinal and religious functions.

Not only did the organised study of herbs begin in China in 2500 B.C. but written records show that China has survived enumerating the benefits and uses of herbs that date from 100 B.C. Incredible!

It has been estimated by the WHO (World Health Organization) that 80% of the world’s population uses herbal medicine.

The first medical schools based their teachings on the use of plants and herbs.

Around 7,000 compounds used in modern medicine originate from plants.

Fresh herbs contain potent anti-oxidants – substances that fight cancer and heart disease and protect our bodies from the damage caused by free radicals – compared to some fruit and vegetables. “one tablespoon of fresh oregano contains the same antioxidant activity as one medium-sized apple” (Shiow Y. Wang, lead researcher at the US Department of Agriculture)

Herbs are trophorestorative. In other words, they work at the very core to bring about healing, vitality and strength. Scientific research has indicated that plants benefit us by actually transferring information to our bodies on a genetic level.

Bonobos, Gorillas and Chimpanzees eat specific leaves to aid the expulsion of worms, while Starlings line their nest with certain plants to protect from parasite infestation.

Chapuchin monkeys repel insects by rubbing not only plants into their fur but millipedes too!

Elephants eat a specific plant before giving birth.

Birds have been seen massaging ants onto their feathers to help detract lice.

Nicholas Culpeper (1616-54) recommended burdock for treating dog bites or flatulence. (