There are so many products. Which one do I choose?

If you are stuck on where to start with Herbex, have a look at our helpful flow chart to find the right Herbex product for you. The great news is that you can use Herbex products indefinitely. Herbex products are not addictive and will not become toxic after prolonged use.

Why is a detox important before trying to lose weight?

When you cleanse and detox, your fat cells are better able to metabolise. You will likely find it easier to burn fat and lose weight once you’ve detoxified your body.

Can I use Herbex products simultaneously with other Herbex products?

Yes. Herbex products complement each other well and can be used together safely. Our products have been scientifically formulated to be used in conjunction with one another for best weight-loss results.

Results vary from person to person. There are many factors that influence weight-loss, such as diet, exercise, genetics, body shape, medical conditions, as well as the amount of weight you need to lose. Visit our slimming ebook for helpful tips on weight-loss. We also invite you to calculate your BMI on this site and set your weight-loss goals accordingly.

Once I have reached my goal weight, can I stop using Herbex products, or will I gain the weight back?

At Herbex we strive to help people lead a healthy life. Eating correctly, and looking after your body should be your goal. Because we like to encourage you to develop a habit of healthy eating, drinking enough water and regular exercise, we trust that once you have reached your goal weight, and you maintain this lifestyle, you will keep the weight off – for good!

View our guidelines to healthy weight-loss, to help keep you on track!

For this reason, you do not have to continue using Herbex products after you have reached your goal, as long as you maintain your healthy lifestyle. You can continue using one of our products for weight maintenance, but it is entirely up to you

Natural, healthy weight-loss is about 0.5kg – 2kg per week, you should lose about 2-3kg per month if you stick to a healthy lifestyle. This means you should start to see results after about 8-12 weeks.

There could be many reasons why you are not seeing results. One could be that you are now exercising. Exercising builds lean muscle, which weighs more than fat, so don’t depend on the scale only. Take your measurements and monitor if you are losing centimetres, which is the true indication of weight-loss. Contact us if you would like us to send you a FREE weight measurement chart.
Another reason could be that you are not eating enough. Many people believe that they should eat less if they want to lose weight, but this isn’t true. If you starve yourself and skip meals, your body will start storing fat as a protective measure, instead of metabolising it into energy, resulting in burning fat. Make sure you eat at least 3 healthy meals every, and drink enough water.Also, weigh yourself on the same scale at the same time every day to ensure accurate readings.


In general, most people will experience a mild detox in the first 7-10 days, which can include one or more of the common detox symptoms, but should not include any allergy symptoms such as itching, swelling or skin rashes. If you have any of these symptoms, stop using the product immediately and seek medical assistance.

Symptoms can vary, depending on how badly you needed to detox, and should subside after a few days. Drink a lot of water during this time and get plenty of rest. The second day may be the worst. It is a good idea to start over a weekend if you are not sure how you will react to the herbs. Please let us know if the symptoms persist after a week.

It is very important that you first speak to your health practitioner should you suffer from any chronic medical illnesses and/or are taking any type of medication before taking any of our products, as some of our products may not be suitable when taken in conjunction with certain medical illnesses and/or medications.

What can I expect from a detox?

People often feel terrible when they detox. When too many toxins are released at once, the body cannot keep up with the onslaught of toxic exposure and flushes out the substances (think diarrhea and vomiting) to avoid poisoning. That is why it’s important to do a safe and effective detox by eating a diet rich in foods that promote the detoxification process in the body. Seasonal foods have the highest amount of nutrients, and if they are grown locally, they have not lost those nutrients to extensive shipping times.

You should also take supplements with nutrients and antioxidants that aid the liver, kidneys and intestines.

Detoxing is about resting, cleaning and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins and feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help to protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health. Starting on a journey of healthy eating, you might find that you will suffer from a number of symptoms.

Detoxing can create a number of symptoms in your body as your body goes through the process of purifying itself and eliminating toxins. Some common symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Lethargy
  • Temporary muscle aches
  • Mucus or other discharge
  • A coated, pasty tongue
  • Mild flu-like symptoms
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Weakness
  • Cravings
  • Nausea
  • Constipation OR diarrhoea
  • Gas

Do not be distressed, it is natural and your body will settle after a few days. If any of these symptoms persist, please seek medical advice.

Is it safe for me to use Herbex products if I am taking contraceptives?

You should treat Herbex like you would any new medication while taking contraceptives. While our products are safe to use in conjunction with contraceptives, we would recommend using extra protection in the first 2-3 weeks while you detox and your body adjusts to the herbs.

Can I use Herbex products while pregnant?

We do not recommend that pregnant women use any form of slimming product.

Can I use Herbex products while breastfeeding?

We do not recommend that breastfeeding women use any form of slimming product.

What is the minimum recommended age to use Herbex products?

We generally do not recommend using any of our products if you are younger than 16. It is not advisable that anyone under this age uses a slimming supplement, and we would rather recommend a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Can I use Herbex products if I have diabetes?

It is more difficult for diabetics to control their weight. It is therefore very important that you consult with your health practitioner before using any of our products, because the normalising effect of the herbs in our products may have an effect on your medication. Only use our products if you go for regular check-ups and only if your blood sugar levels are under control. You may have to adjust your medication while using our products, but only under your doctor’s supervision. Once you have reached your goal weight, you can readjust your medication, once again under your doctor’s supervision. The safest option for you to try would be the Attack the Fat tablets, but please consult your health care practitioner before making a decision.

Is it safe to use Herbex products if I am taking blood thinners?

We recommend consulting with your doctor before using any of our products if you are taking any type of blood thinner.

Can I use Herbex products if I suffer from high blood pressure?

Be cautious of using our products if you suffer from high blood pressure, because the normalising effect of our products can influence your blood pressure levels. Only use our products under your doctor’s supervision. Our recommendation would be to commit to a healthy lifestyle.

I can’t afford to use Herbex products, but I need to lose weight. What can I do?

We understand how frustrating it can be to want to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle with a small budget. The truth is that it is possible if you make some healthy changes to your lifestyle. Make sure you follow a healthy eating plan, drink 6-8 glasses of water every day and do regular exercise.

I need to lose weight fast. Which Herbex product can I use?

Unfortunately, there is no quick solution to weight-loss. Herbex supports healthy, natural weight-loss, which does take time. Healthy, natural weight-loss can be anything between 2-3 kg per month. We would recommend selecting products from our Herbex Fat Burn Range, and for an all round approach, combine it with Herbex Slimmers drops or tablets. Make sure you follow a healthy eating plan and do plenty of cardio.

I have reached a weight-loss plateau. What can I do?

Often, when you reach a weight-loss plateau, you need to change something in your current weight-loss regime. It could be your eating habits or exercise plan, or you just need a product to boost your slimming. Try following a detox plan, and follow up with the Herbex Fat Burn Concentrate during exercise with plenty of water as well as the Herbex Booster Fat Burn Drops.

We would recommend that you also change your current exercise programme. Perhaps your body has adapted to your workout. Try a good cardio workout that should help boost the fat-burning process. Follow the programme 5-6 times per week for best results.

Is there anything else people did apart from taking your products?

All of our testimonials made a conscious decision to live a healthier lifestyle, and that’s what guaranteed their results. Most of them have also managed to keep their weight off since.

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