October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And while most women know how important it is to self-examine, how many of us actually do it on a regular basis, and do you really know what to look out for?
First, let’s look at some statistics:
- According to the South African National Registry, 1 in 29 women in South Africa will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.
- This is expected to rise by 78% by 2030 – a shocking statistic that highlights the need for preventative measures.
- The good news is that about 90% of patients survive for many years after diagnosis when breast cancer is detected at the early stages.
So what can you do?
Regular self-breast examination and regular mammograms are key to early detection.
To help you remember what to look out for, see our easy-to-follow infographic above.
*Infographic courtesy of breastcancercare.org.uk
Get involved
Supporting Breast Cancer awareness goes beyond just wearing a pink ribbon. Every bit helps, so visit http://www.pinkdrive.co.za/ to see how you can get involved by going to scheduled events,help raise funds or volunteer.