Kim Hoffman, our Dietician, shares her knowledge and answers your questions, every Tuesday between 1-2pm. Join us on Facebook. Question from Siphokazi: Last month I went 2 a dietician and she gave me a diet. I can see that I am loosing weight on my lower body and...
Kim shares advice and answers your eating related questions live on Facebook every Tuesday between 1-2pm. Here are the highlights from this weeks’ chat. Alida Quinot asked: How can I get a nice flat tummy? Answer from Kim: You have to work hard for the flat...
Are you struggling to stay focused on your weight-loss goals now that the days are short and cold? Here are some easy-to-follow tips to try for best results: 1. Start early in the morning – i.e. eat within an hour of getting up2. Eat regularly in the day –...
It is difficult to drink water in Winter, but when you are drinking enough water it does become easier as we feel the thirst more easily.The good news is that we do not need as much water in Winter as we do in Summer, so aim for about 1.5 litre to 2 litres a day....
Has Your Weight Loss Slowed Down? Check if you are taking in too much protein… The problem with protein foods (even the lower fat ones such as white meat, ostrich, fish etc) is that they contribute to your fat intake. Even if you remove all the visible fat,...
“With the long weekend coming up, I am sure you all would like to know how alcohol effects your diet! Ask our dietician, Kim today between 1 and 2pm what you should look out for when drinking alcohol.” ….and here are some of her answers: Hi everyone....