Slimming Blog
The Art of Forming New Habits
The Art of Forming New Habits: 5 QUICK TIPS Habits are actions that we have repeated so many times that our brains switch to automatic mode to...
6 Good Reasons to Exercise
Until we learn to love exercise for its own sake, it can be difficult to stay motivated, especially on those cold winter’s mornings. Understanding...
Living Light
We are very excited to announce the latest addition to the Herbex brand - the Herbex Slim Range will soon be available in selected retailers and...
Highlights from Kim’s chat: 26 June
For eating regularly, make sure you start early, eat every 3 or so hours and have something small each time. A good idea is to make sure you eat a...
Kim’s chat on 19 June
Kim Hoffman, our Dietician, shares her knowledge and answers your questions, every Tuesday between 1-2pm. Join us on Facebook. Question from...
Kim’s eating advice on Facebook
Kim shares advice and answers your eating related questions live on Facebook every Tuesday between 1-2pm. Here are the highlights from this weeks'...
Easy rules to healthier eating
Are you struggling to stay focused on your weight-loss goals now that the days are short and cold? Here are some easy-to-follow tips to try for best...
Kim on water and your eating habits
It is difficult to drink water in Winter, but when you are drinking enough water it does become easier as we feel the thirst more easily.The good...
Has your weight-loss slowed down?
Has Your Weight Loss Slowed Down? Check if you are taking in too much protein... The problem with protein foods (even the lower fat ones such as...