Slimming Blog
6 (important!) tips to lose weight with healthy snacking
Is it really possible to eat more and weigh less? Sure it is! For those of us who find it hard not to eat in between meals when trying to lose...
7 Benefits of morning exercise
You’ll get a quick metabolic boost Exercising first thing in the morning will help get your metabolism going, so your body will be in...
7 Fun (and healthy!) ways to celebrate Women’s Day
If you’re like most women, Women’s Day on Tuesday 9 August is just a day off to catch up on admin or chores. But why not do it right this year and...
8 rules for grocery shopping when you’re hungry
We’ve all done it – gone to the store ravenous after a long day and ended up at the till unable to resist with a basket full of unhealthy choices....
9 Powerful reasons why you should start strength training
Let’s face it, if you could get your hands on one magical thing that would help you lose weight, make you look and feel better, make your heart...
Ditch the Dad Bod: 7 Tips to break through a weight-loss plateau
So you’ve hit the dreaded weight-loss plateau? Don’t worry, it’s perfectly natural. Since you’re eating fewer kilojoules than you used to, your...
How to get rid of stubborn fat
We all have certain areas of our bodies that have a higher tendency to store fat, like the lower back, love handles, butt, hips, stomach, and...
7 Healthy packed lunch ideas for you and your man
Let’s be honest, it’s NOT easy to stay motivated to pack healthy lunches for work. But the alternative – often something unhealthy from the lunch...
Want a flat belly? Eat THIS for breakfast!
If your breakfast is sugary, fattening or worse – non-existent – then it’s time for a breakfast makeover. Getting a flat tummy is as much about what...