Q and A from the Kate LIVE chat

by | Sep 27, 2013 | news

We had our TV star, Kate Baum, on Facebook
or the whole day on 26 September.
Fans were able to ask her questions live from 9am- 3pm.
We are very thankful to Kate for doing this for our fans.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the chat.
The chat began at 9am
In total, we had over 520 comments, 126 likes on the Kate posts.
We will not repeat all the Q and A’s, but here are some of the day with Kate:
Herbex Health We are SO excited. Kate is with us today in the office from 9am to 3pm… and happy to help and answer questions!
Kate Mary Baum Hi Everybody, very excited to be here today.
Anushka Pillay Hi Kate, wow u are such an inspiration!!!
Herbex Health Kate, you’ve had quite a journey – first the weight-loss and now you are on National TV…. How are you finding all the attention you’ve been getting?
Kate Mary Baum  It has been overwhelming but amazing at the same time – if I manage to inspire just one person it will be worth it.
Denise Janse van Vuuren Hi Kate did you find it difficult to stick to diets before and what was different about the herbex program?
Kate: @Denise – yes i tried a variety of different diets – the difference with Herbex was that there were no promises of quick fixes “they” made me understand it will take time yet they would help at every chance they got

Latifah Rebecca Hi Kate well done gal we r proud of u. My name is Moshishi Herbex did wonders for me also. Ugo gal


Michelle Mans: What did she use?

Herbex: She used our Booster Fat burn and Fat burn concentrate.

Annelize Dias hi Kate just want to say well done you did good and thank you for inspiring us woman!!

Anthea Julius-Combrinck You look beautiful Kate such an inspiration to all of us.

Claudine Freddy Wow, I’m really inspired by ur story Kate. I’m trying so hard to stick to a healthy eating plan and exercise, its hard work! But I’m sure the rewards will be awesome!

Kate @Claudine it is not easy – its a long road but one that is worth every “battle” along the way – keep going i am sure you will be successful in your venture – if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Anneke Jooste Hi Kate* over what period of time did you shake off all that weight? I’ve started with Herbex now and lost 4.6kg last week but weekends at home makes it so difficult! I’m 20 so I really want to look a bit better for the December holidays. I drink the shake as well as the Herbex fat burning tea. Is there some other product that I have to add to the combination?

Kate  @Anneke – it took me about 18months – weekends are almost the most difficult – be very good during the week and over weekends allow yourself one small cheat – not a cheat day – just a small cheat to keep you motivated and on the right track

Tariro Muyendesi Wow! you are looking lovely.well done.

Anthea Julius-Combrinck Wow that is good Kate. Are u still losing weight?

Kate  @Anthea my weight has stabilized and i am now just maintaining

Alet Miller I have lost a lot of weight but still have a long way to go. I got to a bit of a stand still. Kate did you ever got stuck in your weight loss journey and what did you do to get over the hump to lose the last bit.?

Kate  @Alet yes it is natural for your body to reach a Plateau – what worked for me was to “change” my menu a bit – have my supper for lunch, lunch for breakfast and my breakfast for supper – i also changed my exercise and did some toning and strength exercises and then after 2 weeks upped my cardio again – don’t forget to drink water – very important

Sthando Moloi Wow well done Kate. I hope I will also reach my Goal weight. I have lost 11Kg 4 the past 9months and I still have 11 kg more 2 loose. its not easy but u motivated me 2 work harder.

Grace GM Mahlaba hey..its been two weeks using Herbex and already loving myself my only problems is cravings for fast foods plz help

Herbex Grace GM Mahlaba the only way to help with cravings is by eating more regularly throughout the day, eating healthy snacks and your three meals, and don’t keep junk food or fast foods nearby, avoid them.

Marilyn Olivier Herbex if I lost 15kg so far( on my own) but need to loose last 10kg must I start on the syrup and drops like Kate ???

Diatile Claude Nekahlamo How long before you start seeing actual results? Because with me, I thought it happened a little too quickly,dropped 2 dress sizes in about 3 weeks

@Diatile – it depends on the amount of weight you have to lose – the more you have the quicker you will lose – keep going and good luck.

Maureen Ribs Kate Kate Kate am even out of words, I am going back to my Herbex.

Ellaine Payne You are too btfl Kate i love the new you, and thank u for not quitting. I will also press on harder till i reach my goal.

Thandazo Mdunge Tshinakaho Nedzanani Congrats Kate, i realy wanna know more about the skin, i have lost 18kg so far nd arms, bums nd thighs r tight, my problem is the Tummy, I have been doing the stomach exercises but its still loose, or maybe u didn’t have that problem help *confused* iIgo to gym Monday-Friday,  for an hour, no special diets, but small potions and Herbex slimmers pills.

Kate  @Thandazo – thank you very much – congrats on your loss of 18kgs – re the excess skin – unfortunately it takes time and patience, keep doing your exercises religiously and drinking your water – it will get better – good luck

Phumzile Florinah Masombuka Wow u looking super hot!

One of the luck draw winners:

OW!! Awesome! Thank you Herbex Health and Kate Mary Baum so so much! What a little blessing! It just helps me realize that I’m doing the right thing for me now and as a single mom to an amazing kid I want to be there for him as long as I can! You guys have made my day!