Trying to ‘live light’ but struggling to find time?

Want to squeeze in that all-important workout but don’t seem to have enough hours in the day? Here are three critical elements to making the time you need: Learn to prioritiseUnderstand the importance of your health and what a fitter you will mean, not only to...

Stress and signs of stress

Stress and anxiety levels in this country have never been higher. Mental health experts attribute this to the growing uncertainties that have become a feature of everyday South African life. Increasing crime, retrenchment fears, ever-rising cost-of-living, crippling...

How herbs help to relieve stress…

How Can Herbs Help To Relieve Stress? Relieving stress is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Over time, our nervous systems become damaged due to continual pressures and demands. These pressures can come from many places at once – family,...

5 steps to setting goals

We all have goals, but what can you do to ensure you achieve it? Follow these easy tips to help you achieve that goal, once and for all. 1. Be specific and clear about what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it! Example: What: I want to lose 15kgs. Why: I...

Lindsay* – more beautiful than ever!

Our latest testimonial star: LINDSAY’S* STORY – In her own words: “I have been a ‘diet victim’ all my life. That would be a good place to start my story. Since teenage-hood, I have been trying every trick in the book. Losing, picking up again,...