12 Fascinating Fat Facts

12 FASCINATING FACTS ABOUT FAT Fat Fact #1 We all need body fat to live. In fact, it is so essential to normal, healthy functioning that a size 10, slim female carries approximately 100,000 calories of fat on her body. That’s equal to 54 blocks of butter! Fat...

Mother’s Day messages from our fans to their moms

We asked our Facebook fans to share message for their Moms with us on our wall. Here is what they had to say (Please note that these messages are original and in their own words). To all our Herbex Moms out there: Happy Mother’s Day! Nontobeko Ntobeh Coomalo Hi...

The chocolate lover’s survival guide for Easter

THE CHOCOLATE LOVER’S SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR EASTER For those of us trying to shed some unwanted kilos, Easter is filled with chocolate egg choices, marshmallow minefields and tasty chocolate bunny temptations. The good news? There’s no reason why you can’t still enjoy...

How to serve up a healthy plate with a side of goodness

IN LIVING COLOURHow to serve up a healthy plate with a side of goodness: A colourful plate isn’t just pretty to look at—it also serves up a beautiful dose of healthy nutrients! With winter on the way, we’ll be more and more tempted to resort to comfort foods, such as...

Suffering from uncontrollable snack attacks?

STOP SNACK ATTACKS: IDENTIFY YOUR TRIGGERS AND TRY THESE 7 PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS! SNACK ATTACK 1: You snack as soon as you get home from work. Solution: Don’t let yourself get so hungry that you’ll eat anything you see at home. Pack a healthy snack to have in the car or...

The Benefits of Herbs

In nature, plants have been held in high regard since the evolution of life as animals became instinctively aware of their medicinal benefits. Animals soon discovered that ingesting specific plants had positive effects and improved their health. Hence, the study of...