Is your personality making you fat?

When you gain weight, what do you normally blame it on? The workouts you skipped or maybe a few too many indulgent weekends? You might be in for a surprise. Research has shown that you could be your own worst weight-loss enemy simply by being yourself, as certain...

The importance of H2O for weight-loss

MAGIC IN THE WATERThe importance of H2O for weight-loss It’s a well-known fact that our bodies need lots of water. But does it really make a difference, and what if you simply can’t stomach the taste? H2wOw! Herbex Attack the Fat Mix ‘n Drink is a slimming...

Boost your confidence in 7 easy steps!

ONLY YOU HAVE THE POWER TO BE CONFIDENT – SO TAKE CONTROL AND LET IT SHINE! Before you can boost your self-confidence, you need to own it. Instead of focusing on what you are lacking, focus on what you do have, and what you have accomplished. As Eleanor Roosevelt...

Why do we gain weight with age?

WHY DO WE GAIN WEIGHT WITH AGE? As a woman ages, her reproductive system, libido, moods, skin and hair all change. A change in body composition is another natural part of the aging process. You tend to lose muscle as you age – partly because your muscle cells just...

Shake up your shakes!

7 TIPS FOR A TASTE SHAKE-UP! Herbex Slimmers Shakes are an easy way to supplement your healthy eating plan with calorie-controlled meals – especially when you’re on the go. Enjoy our 3 great flavours (they’re delicious just as they are!) or use these 7 tips for a...

Why it’s important to detox in winter

WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO DETOX IN WINTER Have you ever noticed that you’re hungrier when it’s cold? That’s because your body needs to maintain a certain internal temperature to function. So when it’s cold, it tells you to eat more so that it has more calories to...