Slimming Blog

Here’s why you should do a yoga workout today

Here’s why you should do a yoga workout today

On the beach, in studios, at home, on rooftops and in hotpods, people have been practicing yoga in numerous venues for thousands of years. Exercise fads have come and gone (anyone remember the power balance bracelet craze?), but the art and discipline of yoga has stood the test of time. So what exactly is yoga and why the hype?

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8 Ways to winter-proof your workout

8 Ways to winter-proof your workout

Let’s face it, hibernating isn’t going to burn you any kilojoules. Winter-proof your workout and your waistline this year with our 8 ways to keep moving and get some fun indoor exercise ideas to boot.

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How To Prevent Colds And Flu

How To Prevent Colds And Flu

One of the biggest stumbling blocks for weight loss during winter comes in the form of sniffles, coughs, aches and fever. Winter is prime colds and flu season since you tend to spend more time indoors, creating a breeding ground for germs.

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What is Guarana and Ginseng?

What is Guarana and Ginseng?

Ginseng is known to increase energy levels which helps to stimulate the metabolism. Siberian Ginseng stimulates stamina and the immune system and acts as a tonic for the adrenal glands while activating thermogenics.

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How to use mindful eating to enjoy the holidays, guilt-free

How to use mindful eating to enjoy the holidays, guilt-free

It’s been a long year and the holidays are finally here. We deserve a bit of downtime, don’t we? But to avoid having to start your weight loss journey all over again come 1 January, try practicing these few mindfulness eating tips over the festive season and you’ll arrive on the other side happier, healthier, and still able to fit into your pants!

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Always Chew your Food

Always Chew your Food

We’ve all heard it before: ‘You need to chew your food 20 times before you swallow’. Is this actually true, and if yes, why should we be chewing so much? If you look at some articles on the internet, the number of chews ranges from 20-50 per bite of food. Sounds great, but is it realistic?

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