Slimming Blog
Kelly’s Breast Cancer Journey
Breast cancer was something that only happened to other people, or so I thought. With no family history of cancer, and only being 35 years old and living a healthy and active life, getting cancer was the last thing on my mind.
Breast Cancer Awareness
“It won’t happen to me.”“I’m too young to have to worry about that.”“I don’t have time to check for lumps.” For many women, breast cancer is...
Sun Safety
PREVENT SUNBURN AND DEHYDRATION THIS SUMMER Summer holidays are all about fun in the sun, with many of us aiming to get a ‘healthy tan.’ However,...
Compliments: The positive effects of giving and receiving
Paying someone a compliment may not make them rich, yet, according to research it has the same effect on their brain as receiving a cash reward. But...
Peel off the winter layers!
4 WAYS TO PEEL OFF THE WINTER LAYERS! Days are getting longer, skirts are getting shorter, and chances are your thighs haven't...
Is your personality making you fat?
When you gain weight, what do you normally blame it on? The workouts you skipped or maybe a few too many indulgent weekends? You might be in for a...
The importance of H2O for weight-loss
MAGIC IN THE WATERThe importance of H2O for weight-loss It’s a well-known fact that our bodies need lots of water. But does it really make a...
Boost your confidence in 7 easy steps!
ONLY YOU HAVE THE POWER TO BE CONFIDENT – SO TAKE CONTROL AND LET IT SHINE! Before you can boost your self-confidence, you need to own it. Instead...
Why do we gain weight with age?
WHY DO WE GAIN WEIGHT WITH AGE? As a woman ages, her reproductive system, libido, moods, skin and hair all change. A change in body composition is...