Slimming Blog
Fun Ways To Use Herbex Fat Burn Concentrate
Don’t let your sweet tooth ruin your healthy weight-loss plans. Herbex Fat Burn Concentrate comes in delicious flavours, and can be used to
The Benefits of a Good Detox
LOSE WEIGHT One of the primary reasons many people detox is to lose weight. After a good detox, your fat cells are better able to metabolise. You...
Detoxing – Your Questions Answered
Responsible detoxing has health benefits. Before going to extremes such as depriving your body of nutrients only to see yourself grabbing a slab of...
Want a Flat Belly? Eat THIS for Breakfast!
If your breakfast is sugary, fattening or worse – non-existent – then it’s time for a breakfast makeover. Getting a flat belly is as much about what...
10 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight
You think you’re doing everything right by eating healthy food (most of the time) and getting to gym a couple of times a week, but you're not losing...
7 Facts and Myths About Belly Fat
When we talk about belly fat, it's important to know that there are actually two different types; subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous is...
What would you do with R50 000?
We recently asked our Facebook fans to share what they would do if they won the R50 000 in our Herbex Dreams Come True Competition. The competition...
Losing weight the smart and healthy way
Spring is in the air and with it that faint but persistent panic that you’re not ready to break out the swimwear just yet. Instead of diving...
If you can dream it, you can do it with Herbex!
We all have dreams. Some might dream of landing a high-paying job, going on an island holiday or even just fitting into that little black dress...