Why do we gain weight with age?

WHY DO WE GAIN WEIGHT WITH AGE? As a woman ages, her reproductive system, libido, moods, skin and hair all change. A change in body composition is another natural part of the aging process. You tend to lose muscle as you age – partly because your muscle cells just...

Shake up your shakes!

7 TIPS FOR A TASTE SHAKE-UP! Herbex Slimmers Shakes are an easy way to supplement your healthy eating plan with calorie-controlled meals – especially when you’re on the go. Enjoy our 3 great flavours (they’re delicious just as they are!) or use these 7 tips for a...

Why it’s important to detox in winter

WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO DETOX IN WINTER Have you ever noticed that you’re hungrier when it’s cold? That’s because your body needs to maintain a certain internal temperature to function. So when it’s cold, it tells you to eat more so that it has more calories to...

12 Fascinating Fat Facts

12 FASCINATING FACTS ABOUT FAT Fat Fact #1 We all need body fat to live. In fact, it is so essential to normal, healthy functioning that a size 10, slim female carries approximately 100,000 calories of fat on her body. That’s equal to 54 blocks of butter! Fat...

Mother’s Day messages from our fans to their moms

We asked our Facebook fans to share message for their Moms with us on our wall. Here is what they had to say (Please note that these messages are original and in their own words). To all our Herbex Moms out there: Happy Mother’s Day! Nontobeko Ntobeh Coomalo Hi...