Male-specific health problems

Special focus: Men’s Health Month June is Men’s Health Month, with the focus on heightening the public’s awareness of the many preventable health problems that affect men and boys. Many women will agree that while men are likely to notice when their car...

7 Facts and Myths About Belly Fat

When we talk about tummy fat, it’s important to know that there are actually two different types; subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous is the fat you can pinch, and visceral is the fat around your organs which is much more dangerous and difficult...

Use work time to stay in shape this winter

You’ve probably heard the old adage, “Summer bodies are made in winter”. But realistically, most of us are a lot more lenient in winter when it comes to hitting the gym, going to bootcamp or doing anything more than putting our sheepskin slippers on the moment we get...

The best natural products for weight loss in South Africa

People often make fun of how fat Americans are, but the truth is that when it comes to people who are desperately in need of weight loss, South Africa is not far behind. Whether we’re sitting more and moving less, and/or simply letting go and indulging in huge...

5 Joys of online shopping

Click-click, ding-dong! We don’t know about you, but we can barely remember a time before the internet came along and made everything easier. We all know that online shopping is super safe and convenient, but just in case you need a bit more convincing – here are some...